On Tuesday, the U.S. finalized standards for post-quantum encryption — a move intended to ensure companies, citizens and government agencies can all stay ahead of the potential of quantum computers that can break the encryption used today on nearly every computer.
The post-quantum encryption algorithm that the National Institute of Standards and Technology, or NIST, released in final form today has been
“These finalized standards include instructions for incorporating them into products and encryption systems,” said Dustin Moody, the NIST mathematician who heads the institute’s post-quantum cryptography standardization project. “We encourage system administrators to start integrating them into their systems immediately, because full integration will take time.”
Switching encryption standards
In each case, banks will need a plan for replacing the encryption algorithm with a post-quantum option, like the one finalized Tuesday, lest they fall behind and find themselves vulnerable when quantum computing is powerful enough to break classical encryption in coming years.
NIST began work on its new encryption standard eight years ago, when it called for submissions from cryptographers who had ideas for algorithms that could withstand attacks from classical computers and quantum computers. A year ago, NIST released
The newly finalized algorithm announced Tuesday is called
According to cryptography expert and IBM researcher Whitfield Diffie, one of the main reasons institutions delay implementation of new standards is uncertainty about what exactly needs to be implemented. With the new ML-KEM standard, that barrier has been overcome.
“Now that NIST has announced the exact standards, organizations are motivated to move forward with confidence,”
NIST also finalized standards for
NIST is still developing three encryption algorithm alternatives that can act as a backup to the standard announced today. Each of the three are so-called “code-based” encryption algorithms because they are based on the math behind
One major reason NIST is pursuing backup signature and encryption algorithms is that there is no way to definitively, mathematically prove that ML-KEM can resist attacks. Rather, ML-KEM’s trustworthiness is based on the effort that NIST and cryptographic experts around the world have poured into trying to break the algorithm, and the fact that none of those efforts have succeeded.
However, if a major development occurs in the mathematical fields of lattices or codes that renders that class of encryption algorithm insecure, the other class would remain secure.
Such a development happened in 1994 that undermined trust in the popular encryption algorithms of the day. That year, mathematician Peter Shor published an algorithm that quantum computers could one day implement to break every encryption algorithm that was popular at the time.
However, because no quantum computer actually existed at the time — let alone one advanced enough to implement Shor’s algorithm — the status quo for encryption algorithms remained unchanged.
That status quo has persisted until today, even as quantum computing has advanced significantly. This is because Shor’s algorithm requires a quantum computer so powerful that many experts agree no such computer will exist for
While it is possible that the encryption and digital signature algorithms finalized Tuesday will one day be broken — just as classical encryption algorithms are expected to be broken — there is ample reason to trust that the algorithms will long resist attacks from both classical computers and quantum computers.
“Quantum computing technology could become a force for solving many of society’s most intractable problems, and the new standards represent NIST’s commitment to ensuring it will not simultaneously disrupt our security,” said NIST Director Laurie Locascio. “These finalized standards are the capstone of NIST’s efforts to safeguard our confidential electronic information.”