Six of American Banker’s 25 Most Powerful Women in Banking have prominent roles in technology.
They range from C-suite positions to heads of technology. The gradual rise of women in this sector has been a long time coming. Maria Gotsch, president and CEO of the Partnership Fund for New York City, co-founded the FinTech Innovation Lab accelerator in 2010, where she connects startups with executives at large financial institutions. She has seen the role of women change in that time.
“We have far more women around the table than we did 15 years ago,” she said.
There are several reasons for that, said Gotsch, who was named one of American Banker’s most influential women in fintech in 2023. One is “an acknowledgement that there was a problem,” she said. Another is a broader push to diversify recruitment. The growth of the technology sector more generally has meant a larger pool of experts for banks to tap into. Some women ascend the ranks in bank technology when a company they founded gets acquired by a financial institution, meaning “It’s no longer that you just send your resume in,” she said.
Here is a spotlight on six Most Powerful Women in Banking honorees making significant strides in bank technology.
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